Raising my daughter, alongside nieces, nephews, uncles, and aunties has been an eye-opening journey into the beautiful chaos of neurodiversity. Our family is a tapestry of passionate souls, emotional intelligence, and deeply sensitive rhythms, all woven together by the common thread of ADHD or ADD. It took me a long time to realise that my ability to micro-focus wasn't typical and that my relentless drive and ability to multitask and hustle 24/7 was ‘extra’ for others. My insatiable curiosity to explore the world and experience life in all its glory was a must for me—I see my ADHD as a superpower, I've honed, used, and channeled into becoming the entrepreneur I am today, and intend to guide my daughter to focus on the gifts, and embrace the journey.

I'm a dopamine chaser and a serotonin addict, a woman with hundreds ideas bubbling daily -busy, always busy. These tendencies, which we neurodiverse individuals experience, are indeed a superpower. They enable us to go further, delve deeper, and aim higher. The lows are real, but life is a pendulum, and I’d rather 'have it all' than live in the grey area.

ADHD in Entrepreneurship - As an entrepreneur, my ADHD superpowers have been invaluable. The ability to hyper-focus enables me to dive deeply into projects and solve complex problems with innovative solutions. My relentless energy and multitasking skills allow me to juggle multiple aspects of my business simultaneously, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Moreover, my insatiable curiosity drives me to explore new opportunities and take calculated risks. This has led to the growth and success of my ventures, as I’m always eager to learn, adapt, and push boundaries. Being neurodiverse has also given me a unique perspective on my audience and trends, allowing me to stay ahead of the curve…..

Shot by Will Sanders

Raising the Next Generation

My daughter, with her inherited superpowers, was destined to navigate life with the same vibrant energy. It’s my job to guide her, using the skills I've learned to help her flourish: My key areas to grow her are - Encouraging her to pursue her passions and interests builds her confidence and helps her develop her unique abilities. Guidance- Not not to pushing her too hard, as this can be counterproductive. I aim to motivate her without overwhelming her, recognising her limits and supporting her growth. Validate her emotions - Embracing her emotional intensity and creating a safe space for her to express herself fosters emotional growth and resilience. Every night, we have a ‘sharing feelings’ time where she feels safe to explore her day, thoughts or fears. This has been so valuable in allowing her to let go the noise….

Lets Celebrate Neurodiversity….Teaching my daughter to embrace her neurodiverse nature, and live beyond societal norms allows her to approach challenges with creativity and strength. Once you aren’t scared of your rainbow spectrum, you’re onto yourself,,,,

In our family, we celebrate our neurodiversity as a tribe. We understand that our unique rhythms and perspectives are strengths, not weaknesses. This collective mindset helps us support each other and navigate the world with resilience and creativity.

So in this months Be Nice Theme - Youth & Revolt - Ive chosen to raise awareness about ADHD, and neurodiversity, as its a mission I’m passionate about. By sharing our stories and advocating for better understanding and support, we can create a more inclusive society.

Educating others about ADHD and neurodiversity helps break down misconceptions and stereotypes. This includes schools, workplaces, and communities. Advocating for policies and practices that support neurodiverse individuals is crucial. And finally sharing our stories and experiences increases visibility for neurodiverse individuals, particularly women. This visibility can inspire others to embrace their neurodiverse nature and pursue their passions.

ADHD is not a hindrance; Life is a pendulum, and I choose to have it all, experiencing the highs and lows with equal fevour. This superpower allows me to live a vibrant, fulfilling life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Together, as a tribe of neurodiverse individuals, we can raise awareness, empower women, and create a more inclusive world.

Please join us in our mission in supporting The Wigan Foundation at Be Nice Projects


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Shot by Metz + Racine